Saturday, 22 August 2009


Penny Evans, Branch Committee Member

The West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa held an Introductory Genealogical Training Course on 15 August 2009 at the Dutch Reformed Church Ontdekkerskruin, Philips Avenue, Discovery.

The course was well attended by participants from the Greater Johannesburg area. Two enthusiastic participants came from Carletonville.

The course was well organised. Our usual venue was transformed into a lecture room. Each participant received a manual and a certificate.

Lucas Rinken, Richard Ford and Dennis Pretorius were the presenters.

The following aspects were covered in the course of the afternoon:
  • Background information;
  • The working documents;
  • Unpublished sources;
  • Internet sources;
  • Formal sources;
  • Interesting facts and finally
  • Presentation of one's research.
The sessions were informative and often humorous. The presenters used many examples from their own experiences to which participants could relate.

Many thanks to Margaret Humphries and Louise Dick for standing by with refreshments. The tea break gave all a chance to meet and socialize.

The course was well received, good value for money, and good attendance was an indication of the need for genealogical training courses. Participants had different levels of expertise.  I believe that each person went away having learnt something new.

Hopefully all of us will now remember to record our sources.

Several people were unaware of the existence of genealogical groups that meet monthly. One hopes that this introduction to genealogy will inspire them to join a local genealogy group.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


As previously advertised, please note that our August meeting will not take place on the customary third Saturday of the month due to our branch hosting the National Executive Committee meeting. We have thus opted to hold both events on the same day, and so the branch meeting has been moved out to 22 August 2009.

At the conclusion of the NEC meeting, the branch meeting will be addressed by the recently elected President of the GSSA, Hendrik Louw (left), who is no stranger to us.

Note that Lucas Rinken, branch chairman, has extended an invitation to NEC members present to join us for the branch meeting should they have the time and inclination. So we look forward to a larger than normal gathering.

Hendrik’s topics will be:

1. GSSA the Society

  • What is the GSSA;
  • Member needs;
  • How does the GSSA fit into the global genealogy picture;
  • Thoughts on strengths and threats for GSSA;
  • Products and
  • Support with regard to the advancement of GSSA (External websites etc.)
2. Genealogical overview
  • SAG (GISA) versus e-SAGI (GSSA Gauteng-West)
  • Public domain
  • Researchers thoughts on "review and summary".
Time: 14:00 to 16:00;

Place: Dutch Reformed Church (NG Kerk), Ontdekkerskruin, Phillips Avenue, Discovery, Roodepoort (Map below);

Entrance Fee: R5,00 for refreshments.

(SOURCE: Mail and Guardian Online)

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

(Klik op een van bostaande.)

Neem kennis van voorgaande. Dis ‘n hulpmiddel soos min vir Suid-Afrikaanse genealoë.

Dennis Pretorius (regs), die skepper hiervan skryf op die tuisblad:

“SAGenealogie is 'n wêreldwye genealogiese gespreksgroep op die Internet met Afrikaans as voertaal. Dit bestaan tans uit amper 800 vriendelike en hulpvaardige genealoë van rondom die aardbol wat wissel van beginners tot gesoute en selfs professionele navorsers in sy geledere”.

Dié webtuiste bevat ‘n magdom inligting. Kyk net:

  • ‘n Foto-databank met honderde interessante en insiggewende foto’s – van ABO-foto’s en kerke in ‘n rits dorpe tot begrafnisbriewe en ou vervoermiddels.
  • Dit is ook die vertrekpunt vir nuwe lede van SA Genealogie-gespreksgroep waar lede (let wel daar is amper 800) mekaar onder meer help om hul voorsate op te spoor.
  • Dit bevat ‘n reeks beproefde genealogiese skakels.
  • Verskeie lede se webwerwe is te sien.
Diegene wat nog nie met dié webwerf kennis gemaak het nie, het ‘n hele paar ure se ontginningswerk wat wag.

Onder: Een van die ongewone foto's op SAGenealogie se foto-databasis. Zeederberg se Sebra-span op Pitersburg gereed om die pad na Leysdorp (1881). Foto: H Exton-versameling.

Piet Roets het vir Doel Zeederberg die idee gegee om Zebras mak te maak en te gebruik weens skaarste van perde en muile. In 1881 het Jacob Erasmus zebras gevang en hulle op sy plaas in Leydsdorp geteel. Roets, wat naby Haenertsburg geboer het, en Izak van der Merwe van Pietersburgdistrik het sy voorbeeld gevolg. Hulle het daarin geslaag om kwaggas mak te maak, te teel en selfs 'n ploeg te laat trek. Roets het van sy mak kwaggas aan Doel Zeederberg aangebied en tot sy verbasing het Doel sy aanbod aanvaar en 20 diere van Roets gekoop vir £200. Hulle spoed oor kort afstande was vinniger as die van 'n perd of muil, maar hulle het stamina kortgekom en 'n goeie perd kon hulle binne tien minute flou hardloop.

Bron: Neem uit die Verlede (Nasionale Parkeraad van Suid-Afrik). Dr U de V Pienaar, "Transportpaaie", p. 273

Thursday, 6 August 2009



Last month saw a different format newsletter,. This month we have expanded on, and hopefully even improved on the last one. To those of you who gave feedback (fortunately none negative) a big thank you for that.

What is, however, a bit disappointing, is the lack of response to the call for dialogue from branch members as to your needs or any wish-lists. As your committee we plot and plan as best we can, but, bottom line is that if you do not participate either by attending meetings or corresponding with us on issues/topics needing attention, we are oftentimes floundering in the dark. So on behalf of your committee I reiterate the invitation and encourage you to keep the debate lively – even by merely playing devils advocate.


July saw your committee focusing at length on the points raised at the workshop held at the March branch meeting. The items raised were analyzed and summarized by Bob. It resulted in a total of 20 points for discussion. These were tackled in the order in which they were raised at the March meeting. There was not enough time to discuss even half of the points raised. Thus, we will resume the marathon at the next committee meeting and report fully after we have dealt with all the issues raised. There will be a whole host of proposals (I believe) for each member to consider and comment on prior to any implementation. We will keep you posted.


Vir diegene wat nie die vergadering bygewoon het nie: ons het vir die eerste keer van Kriek Fourie as spreker gehoor -- op ‘n heel nuwe en unieke. Die onderwerp was sy ondervinding met die opteken van ou Familiebegraafplase in die Langkloof, Oos-Kaap.

Met die gebruik van beskikbare tegnologie is ons (amper fisies) deur ‘n gedeelte van die Langkloof geneem deur middel van Google Earth en Lucas Rinken se vaardigheid daarmee. Met Kriek as toergids is ons van Joubertina deur Krakeel en Louterwater na die plaas Kransfontein (onder andere) geneem om die begrafplasies te vind. Later is die fotos, wat deel was van sy opname aan ons getoon. Terwyl Lucas die “muis” bestuur het, het Kriek ons met allerhande stories en ervaringe vergas. Dit was 'n belewenis soos min. Dankie aan beide here vir die ongewone, maar interesante vertoning. Foto: Die Langkloof, soos gesien van Joubertina.


As previously advertised, please note that our August meeting will not take place on the customary third Saturday of the month due to our branch hosting the National Executive Committee meeting. We have thus opted to hold both events on the same day, and so the branch meeting has been moved out to 22 August 2009.

At the conclusion of the NEC meeting, the branch meeting will be addressed by the recently elected President of the GSSA, Hendrik Louw (left), who is no stranger to us. Note that Lucas has extended an invitation to NEC members present to join us for the branch meeting should they have the time and inclination. So we look forward to a larger than normal gathering.

Hendrik’s topics will be:

1. GSSA the Society
  • Who is the GSSA;
  • Member needs;
  • How does the GSSA fit into the global genealogy picture;
  • Thoughts on strengths and threats for GSSA;
  • Products and
  • Support with regard to the advancement of GSSA (External websites etc.)
2. Genealogical overview
  • SAG (GISA) versus e-SAGI (GSSA Gauteng-West)
  • Public domain
  • Researchers thoughts on "review and summary"

Soos verlede maand aangekondig, het e-SAGI die 500000 -naam mylpaal behaal. Danksy Lucas en 'n baie klein span van helpers, word hierdie projek verfyn. Daar verskyn egter nog baie duplikate op die databasis en ‘n versoek word gedoen om te help met dié takprojek. Vrywilligers word benodig om ‘n familievan aan te neem (dalk jou eie) en deur die name te soek vir moontlike duplikate en Lucas dan daarvan te verwittig. Dit sal die proses grootliks help indien hy hulp kry van ons taklede. Maar dit is nie al manier wat jy ‘n bydrae kan maak tot e-SAGI nie. Die byvoeging van jou familie is noodsaaklik asook die normale onderhoud daarvan elke keer as ‘n sterfte of geboorte plaasvind. Stel Lucas asseblief in kennis soos en wanneer nodig.


Neels Coertse het ná ontvangs van verlede maand se nuusbrief, aan ons geskryf en vertel van ene tannie Bessie du Toit:

Ek was sowat twee weke gelede Hopetown toe met die hoop om om daar of in doe omgewing iets van my Hopetown-COERTSE's te spoor - amper soos daardie diamant wat jare gelede daar ontdek was.

Ek het besonder baie inligting gekry. En ook op die koop toe met 'n familielid gesels: tannie Bessie DU TOIT (links) wat op 23 Februarie 1907 gebore is en gedoop op 19 Mei 1907. Sy was in Strydenburg in die ouetehuis - 102 jaar oud. Toe ek haar skakel toe antwoord sy self haar telefoon en ek stel my voor.

Sy vra dadelik: "Hoe spel jy jou COERTSE?"
Ek: "Tannie, met 'n S."
Sy: "O, nes my oorlede mammie. Kom jy vir my kuier?"

Toe ek haar vra of sy weet wanneer sy gedoop is, het sy nee gesê en ek gee die datum vir haar. Sy gryp haar pen en skryf dit op haar kalender neer. Sy het nog elke dag haar dagboek opgeskryf daar waar sy in die son sit. Haar skoondogter het my vertel dat tannie Bessie elke dag die dagboek begin met: "Dankie, Heer, ek het lekker geslaap."

En ek het die wonderlikste klankopname van haar gesprek gemaak.

Ek het ook met haar seun en skoondogter op Hopetown gesels. Ek het laas week vir haar twee foto's gestuur wat ek van haar geneem het.

Ek het net nou net gehoor sy is vandag oorlede.

Dankie vir hierdie storie, Neels. Dit demonstreer hoe belangrik dit is om met die ouer geslag te praat. Jy het ook die tegnolgie ingespan en ‘n opname van jul gesprek gemaak asook digitale foto's geneem. Ek dink die ervaring het jou ook diep geraak en jy is ryker as gevolg daarvan.

Penny Evans (left) also sent me a little report of her experience in Barberton whilst looking for some ancestral history.

I went to Barberton in July last year to search for information about the Gass family. I was advised to go to the museum. The staff at the museum have recorded information that has been on the historical voters rolls, marriage registers, and church records. I had not expected to find any family history there, so I was really thrilled to come across baptism dates, addresses, occupations, firearm licenses and even still births relating to the Gass family. They were unable to find any photos of my great grandfather, but they had a copy of an interview, done by a local historian, with one of the Gass descendents. The staff were very patient and helpful. A day to remember!

Thank you Penny. It is always a thrill to find something unexpected whilst doing research, and your story should serve as a reminder to us not to overlook the museums in the areas where our forebears lived as a source of information about the history of their times. One never knows what valuable information may be gleaned in this way


A reminder to our members that we have this modest resource which is growing slowly, but surely. It is at your disposal at every meeting. Please make use of it, and consider donating books, journals or magazines of historical and genealogical significance once you have tired of them so that others may benefit. Remember that Graham Southey is currently the curator of our collection. All matters relating to the library can and should be taken up with him or any of the office bearers.


Die Noord-Transvaaltak adverteer tans 'n simposium in September 2009 wat belowe om interessant te wees. Hieronder ‘n uitreksel uit hul nuusbrief hieroor:


Ons maak goeie vordering met die reëlings vir ons simposium. Dit is ons hoogtepunt van die jaar en die simposium wek belangstelling ver buite ons kringe. Kaartjies kos R110 vir GGSA lede en R130 vir nie-lede.

Ons het reeds 21 kaartjies verkoop, maar ons moet nog sowat 70 verkoop om die koste te dek.

Ons doen ‘n beroep op ons lede om so gou as moontlik hul kaartjies te koop en vra dat u ook in u familie en vriendekring hierdie simposium sal adverteer.

Die program is hieronder.


08:45 -09:30 Registrasie en Verwelkoming


09:30-10:15 South African National Archives: Dr Graham Dominy, national archivist (45 min)
10:15-10:45 Korporatiewe argiewe: stand en toeganklikheid vir die navorser: Anri van der Westhuizen, argivaris van Unisa (30 min)
10:45-11:00 Vrae aan die paneel (15 min)
11:15-11:45 Tee


11:45-12:15 Museums as bronne van inligting vir die navorser: Cecilia Kruger, museum deskundige van die Voortrekkermonument (VTM) (30 min)
12:15-12:35 Waarheen met familie erfstukke? Riëtte Zaaiman van die Erfenisstigting (20 min)
12:35- 12:50 Vrae aan die paneel (15 min)
13:00-13:30 Ete


13:30-14:00 Genealogie, geskiedenis en kultuurgeskiedenis verryk mekaar: Dr Celestine Pretorius (40 insluitend 10 minute vraetyd)
14:00-14:30 Geskiedenis wat spreek tot die hededaagse jeug: Daan Potgieter, 'n geskiedenisonderwyser (30 min insluitend 10 minute vraetyd)
14:40-15:00 Algemene bespreking en samevatting

Stuur 'n epos aan Ellen Harmse by as u belangstel.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


The report below may not be exactly genealogy,
but maybe future genealogists should take note.

London - Britons who feel the need to communicate with loved ones from beyond the grave will be able to use a new e-mail service that allows up to 100 messages to be released after their death, it was reported Tuesday.

The Last Messages Club e-mail service, launched on Tuesday, allows personal notes written prior to people's death to be sent to loved ones in the future.

The messages can range from a final love letter, guidance for someone left behind, a list of instructions, details on life insurance and other financial information.

Important documents such as wills and insurance details can also be accessed through the service, and photos, videos and documents may be attached.

Organisers of The Last Messages Club insist their idea is in no way ghoulish but, on the contrary, eases the stress and trauma associated with the death.

A member can write up to 100 e-mails that can be released once they die at times of their choosing, such as when a relative or loved one marries or has a child.

The Last Messages Club works by giving each paying member a secure and private vault. They are then able to create messages to be sent specifically to their chosen recipient.

Geoff Reiss, founder of The Last Messages Club, said: "No one likes to think about their impending 'demise', but it is much better to be fully-prepared, so that there is less stress on your loved ones after you pass away."

Simon Gilligan, 63, from Cambridgeshire, is among the first people to have signed up to the scheme and has written messages to be sent to his wife, children and friends after his death, the Press Association reported.

"It's strange really as it makes you confront your own mortality in a sense," he said. But it also makes you think about smaller details like making sure you remind someone to cancel your bus pass," he said. -- NEWS24.

Saturday, 1 August 2009


Branch treasurer Kriek Fourie (left) made a presentation to our monthly meeting in July 2009 about his search for family graves in the Eastern Cape.

Kriek’s wife’s family live in Joubertina which is 43 km from Kareedouw and 57 km from Uniondale. Each year they visit this family and Kriek decided that he would like to photograph graves in the vicinity of the nearby Kouga Mountains.

This he did and the valuable photographic records of the graves in this mountainous terrain, were presented to our branch.

To give the members an idea of the steep mountain slopes, Kriek used Google Earth which clearly showed the mountains and winding dirt roads he travelled. He first went to Kransfontein, a farm which had been owned by the Kritzingers. Here he took photos of their graves.

From there he travelled to Morea, a mere 15 km away. It took an hour and a half to travel as the road was in a very poor condition. They drove over areas of the road which had been washed away, rock falls blocked the road, and through sandy river beds where the bakkie became stuck in the sand. The last farmer living there had died eight years ago, so the area was unoccupied. The graves of the Vosloos were here. Of the thirty graves, only two had headstones.

From there they descended via a very steep dirt road, this time driving through water, as it was the only way to cross the river. In the winter the farms in this area only receive three hours of sunlight daily and summers are hot and humid. The settlement of Krakiel , comprising thirty houses only has two lamp posts. Matthys Strydom and decedents lie buried there.

Louterwater was where the Meyers and Nortiers lived. -- Penny Evans, branch member.

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