Wednesday 23 December 2009


The year-end function of the West Gauteng Branch of GGSA was held on 28 November 2009 at the Dutch Reformed Church, Ontdekkerskruin, Discovery, Roodepoort.

A mini-xhibition of research done by members was on display. Charts, files, books, journals, an old family Bibles and copies of old photographs were on display.
Lucas Rinken set up his computer and his e e-SAGI database was available for visitors to search.

Two visitors also attended. The members who attended had time to discuss each other's work, to chat and to get to know each other better. As usual Margaret Humphries and her team provided delicious snacks, cake and tea.

These pictures reflect of what we experienced. Click on any picture to enlarge.

Report and pictures by Penny Evans.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Hier kom die bokke

MILLS RIVER, North Carolina -- The brambles and underbrush are so thick it's hard to see anything, much less walk around.

Munching through the thicket are four sturdy goats, doing their part to uncover the grave sites of up to 30 early residents of Henderson County.

The Ballard Family Cemetery in North Mills River is the subject of a new experiment: using goats to clear vegetation from historic cemeteries.

"It's hard to tell what's here until we clean it out," says Toby Linville, the county staff member for the Henderson County Cemetery Advisory Committee. "It was so bad, you couldn't move in here."

Credit for the idea goes to Jennie Jones Giles, who heard someone joke that "goats would eat everything here" and borrowed six of the animals to eat through the overgrown thicket.

Giles, director of the Henderson County Heritage Museum, is also a member of the Cemetery Advisory Committee, established by the County Board of Commissioners in 2005. The committee is responsible for identifying and coordinating the county's upkeep of abandoned cemeteries.

Read more at (click here)

Saturday 19 December 2009


WASHINGTON, 18 December 2009 -- The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has received a Fiscal Year 2010 budget of $469,870,000 under the Consolidated Appropriations Act signed by President Barack Obama on Wednesday, 16 December 2009.

(Exchange rate on 18/12/2009: $1 = R7,58, thus R3 561 614 600.)

The overall appropriation of $469,870,000 is an increase of 2.31 percent over last year's funding of $459,277,000.

"Given these difficult economic times, we are extremely grateful to the Congress and the President for the generous FY 2010 appropriations. We will be able to continue to fund our core programs, offer the same high standard of services to our researchers and the public, and complete much-needed repairs and renovation of the Franklin Roosevelt Library," said David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States.

Read more at Eastman's Online Genealogy.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

A Dirty Secret

Genealogists, should known that their computers are one of their most important tools.  Take care of it.

clean your computer
I have a dirty secret. I've never cleaned my computer. Sure, I've dusted my monitor, but I haven't taken off the cover or tried to reach the crumbs lurking inside my keyboard.
"Your computer could fry if you don't keep it clean," says Jonathon Millman, chief technology officer for Hooplah Interactive.

Dust clogs the vents behind your computer, which causes your CPU to heat up—and heat is the biggest cause of component failure in computers. Regular cleaning could save you costly maintenance fees down the road.

Keep your computer in tip-top shape by following Millman's guide to a spotless computer system.


You'll need:

  • screwdriver
  • can of compressed air (available from computer dealers or office-supply stores)
  • cotton swabs (do not use a cotton ball)
  • rubbing alcohol
  • paper towels or anti-static cloths
  • water
Always turn your computer off before you begin and unplug all the cords.

Wednesday 11 November 2009



Die jaar se einde kom nou vinnig en die November-vergadering is volgens taktradisie, die tyd wanneer ons ons jaarverrigtinge to ‘n slotsom bring. Hierdie jaar gaan glad nie van die tendens afwyk nie, maar ons gaan wel ons vergadering later hou as gewoonlik weens die feit dat die NUK van GSSA/GGSA op Saterdag 21 November plaasvind . Dus is ‘n besluit geneem om die takvergadering met ‘n week uit te stel tot 28 November. Ons vertrou dat die lede hierby sal inpas.


Verder, wil die komitee graag weer ‘n versoek aan lede rig om asseblief idees vir die jaarprogram aan te stuur, of versoeke vir spesefieke bespreekingspunte voor te stel, om ‘n bietjie meer pertinente inhoud vir ons lede aan te bied.


The response to my request for snippets of news or recollections of breakthroughs made in your research or even those chance meetings with total strangers, or any other incident that made the world of difference to your research, has not been particularly fruitful, and this is rather disappointing. I know each one of you have had experiences which would have affected your approach to your research or in some cases caused you to make real progress after the event. Do take the time to share this with us. It could make the difference to someone else’s research or send them on a course not yet considered. That’s what it is all about, sharing experience and knowledge. If you are unsure of how to write/present your snippet, talk to Bob or Penny and we will either help you write or write for you based on the facts presented. The point is to get the message out there.


Die komitee het nie in Oktober vergader nie omdat ons tak nie, soos gewoonlik, in Roodepoort vergader het nie, maar wel ‘n uitstappie na die “SUIDE” (van Johannesburg) gewaag het. Ons kommittee sal weer op 28 November te Phillipslaan om 12h00 saamtrek.


What an impromptu meeting we had at the home of John (left) and Iris Stephens last month when the inclement weather put an end to the planned cemetery recording exercise in the Eikenhof vicinity. Not that anyone is complaining about the rain, which was sorely needed at the time. It poured down with rain at the scheduled starting point of the “tour” at the appointed hour, and with the clouds hanging very low and unleashing their load on us, John braved the elements to visit each car and bid us to follow him to their home where we would ultimately have ended for the traditional refreshments.

Although we did not see the cemeteries we wanted to record, we were addressed by John on the topics of the Turffontein Concentration Camp Cemetery, Danie Theron – the greatest Boer spy, and about Hendrik Kamffer (who has a Stephens family connection).

These presentations were all about the local community and of course their part in the Anglo Boer War, which was traditionally marked by remembrance ceremonies and gatherings around 10 October every year, but which sadly no longer take place.

John Stephens of course, is our branch secretary. Thank you John for the effort you put in, in preparing the presentations and to both you and Iris for welcoming us to your home and giving us food, drink and shelter. Lucas has a penchant for “the classics” when it comes to music, and we were entertained with a special performance of the Grand March from Aida played for Lucas on an old wind-up gramophone. It was quite a nostalgic moment as we were sitting in a “voorhuis” and listening to a very old recording in much the way the folk of the early 1900’s would have. Those who were there, I think, thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon despite the weather, but I think we will have to revisit this particular event at another time so that we might do those cemetery recordings as one of our branch projects!


Ons volgende takvergadering sal Satedag, 28 November 2009 by die NG Kerk, Ontdekkerskruin, Phillipslaan, Discovery, Roodepoort, plaasvind om 14h00 (2nm). Ons sal nie ‘n gasspreker hê nie aangesien ons ‘n mini-uitstalling gaan hê (soos verlede jaar), van ons lede se werk en ander eksemplaare van stambome, ens. U word dus vriendelik gevra om iets saam te bring vir uitstalling en bereid te wees om daaroor te praat of vrae daaroor te beantwoord. Onthou dit is nie ‘n kompetisie nie, maar ‘n uitstalling van voltooide asook onvoltoide (work in progress) werke, met die doel om van mekaar te leer en met mekaar te deel. Wees asseblief nie skaam nie, en bring jou werkstukke – dalk kry jy goeie idees of raad wat ‘n positieve verskil aan jou projek sal maak.


You are reminded of the project which was launched in September by the Northwest branch of GSSA in conjunction with LAPA Publishers. The book which will be called “Wie is ons regtig” is in part a reference to the current TV series ‘Who do you think you are’, and we are requested to provide short personal stories for publication into an omnibus format. The request (paraphrased), reads as follows:
“Ons sal dit waardeer indien jy alle lede aanmoedig om hul bydraes vir die beoogde bundel aan ons te stuur. Die bydraes moet fokus op interessante/snaakse/dramatiese gebeure of karakters, heldedade ens. wat die oningewyde sal interesseer of vermaak”.

Refer back to the September newsletter if you will, for my deatils should you wish to participate, or drop me a line at for more information.

Lucas can still use some assistance with the eSAGI project. Please drop him a line at: if you would like to assist, as there are many ways which as individuals we can assist him in this tremendous (branch benefitting) project.


Die komitee en lede van die Wesgautentak spreek ons meegevoel uit aan Valda Napier wie se man op 18 September na ‘n lang siekebed oorlede is. Valda het soos volg geskryf:

“NAPIER, John William Edward, passed away after a long illness, on 18 October 2009 at the age of 73 years and 8 days. He is survived by Valda his devoted wife of 44 years. He is now at peace and no more suffering. God Bless him."

Our deepest sympathy is extended to you Valda, at this very sad time.

I have also chatted very briefly to Ruth Jobson, and can confirm that Alister is still in ICU. He is recovering very slowly from the pneumonia and they are trying to wean him off of the respirator. That he is recovering is good news. Our thoughts are with you both Ruth, and we wish Alister a more speedy recovery than has been too date.


Hartlik geluk aan die volgende lede wat verjaar:
21 November – Frans Viljoen en Erik Kriel;
22 November – Louw du Plessis;
25 November – Danie Jacobs;
1 Desember – Penny Evans;
4 Desember – ons voorsitter, Lucas Rinken;
6 Desember – Dennis Pretorius;
19 Desember – M. Deacon;
7 Januarie – Minnie Pretorius;
12 Januarie – Lorraine Dick;
25 Januarie – Graham Southey;
26 Januarie – Louise Dick.


Harking back to my own personal research of the SAUNDERS family – specifically of one William Frederick SAUNDERS who is our family progenitor and the Anglo-Boer War, I posed a question to one of our branch members Neels Coertse in a discussion we were having with regards cemetery recordings and the ABW, how it was that arch enemies could find themselves in a marriage – which of course was the case with my paternal great grand parents, the same William Frederick SAUNDERS and Susanna Margaretha LANDMAN. Neels had been reading a book by PG du Plessis called ‘Fees van die Ongenooides’ and sent me the following revue:


Bob Saunders het nou die ander dag vir my geskryf en vertel dat sy oupagrootjie ‘n Rooinek soldaat was en sy oumagrootjie ‘n Boeremeisie. Hulle het in die Engelse Kerk op Volksrust met mekaar getrou.

Die agtergrond waarna Bob verwys is natuurlik die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog tussen Brittanje en die twee Boere Republieke. Die huwelik van Bob se oupagrootjie en oumagrootjie onderstreep ons universele mensheid. Oorlogskanonne, bajonette en afgebrande plaashuise keer nie die liefde tussen ‘n man en ‘n vrou nie. Die liefde tussen ‘n Rooinek soldaat en ‘n Boeremeisie. Dis een van die goed wat in P.G. Du Plessis, een van ons beste Afrikaanse skrywers, se Fees van die Ongenooides gebeur. Dis ‘n omvattende boek.

Soldaat se sterfbedverklaring aan Magrieta dryf haar na skoonpa se graf toe. En sy sê: “Pa, ek het ...”

Wag – miskien het ek sommer by die einde begin en te veel vertel. Kom ons begin redelik voor in die boek waar Majoor Philip Brooks, afgetree, ‘n bundel foto’s in ‘n argiefbewaarplek oopmaak. Die ingekleurde foto van die mooie Magrieta van Wyk lê voor hom op die tafel en die onthou is vlak in hom. En hy onthou die klavier; en hoe hy met haar gesels het en klavier moes speel; en hoe sy hom vertel het van die kind.

Joey Drew, oorlogsfotograaf, het die familiefoto van die Van Wyks op hulle plaas afgeneem. Hy het die foto van Magrieta besonder mooi ingekleur. Toe hy haar die eerste keer gesien het, het hy hom doodgeskaam vir sy boemelaarsverslonsheid. En hy onthou dat hy eens op ‘n tyd, daar in Kimberley, belangrik genoeg in sy eie oë was om bekend te staan as Joey Drew Esq.

Joey Drew was nie heeltemal die vriend van die waarheid nie. Ek dink hy het ligweg gebloos as hy die waarheid per geleentheid kwytgeraak het – veral oor hoe hy die kamera in die hande gekry het.

Vergelyk Joey Drew met Daantjie Van Wyk [Daniël Egbert Van Wyk] dan sien jy Daantjie is ‘n liegbek wat ‘n goue medalje vir lieg op enige Olimpiese Spele kan losslaan, lospraat of loslieg.

Daantjie praat jou ore van jou kop af oor patriotisme en verraaiers – jy kom diep onder die indruk van hierdie man se vaderlandsliefde en sy bereidwilligheid om te sterf as dit dan moet – wel, so praat Daantjie.

Dorothea Van Wyk is die moeder van Snobisme. Sy kan nie glo dat daar mense soos die Minters moet leef nie en dat hulle boonop bywoners op hulle familieplaas moet wees nie. Sy sou lekker saam met die Fariseër in die tempel kon bid en dankie sê dat sy nie soos die Minters is nie.

Sy’t nie daarvan gehou dat Petrus Minter, die bywonersklong, dit durf waag om na haar dogter, Nellie, te kyk nie. Dan sien sy haar dogter staar vir Petrus terwyl “... haar jong tepels styf teen haar rok druk.” Daantjie het ook probeer om Petrus van sy suster weg te hou. Toe trou Petrus met Nellie.

Petrus se sussie, Fienatjie Minter het nooit verkeerd gedroom nie, omdat sy met die helmet gebore was. Wat Fienatjie gedroom het, het gebeur; hierdie engel – die “... druppel God.”

Een Sondagmiddag, tydens ‘n familie ete het Daantjie se woord-diaree oor die edelheid om oorlog vir jou land te maak en die hoogste tol wat ‘n trotse burger moet betaal, ‘n familietwis met sy oom veroorsaak.

Toe breek die oorlog uit.

En Daantjie sien sy eerste oorlogsslagoffer langs hom neersyg in die stof met ‘n Britse koeël deur sy kop – toe “... bepis en bekak ...” Daniël Egbert Van Wyk homself.

Sy getroue plaaswerker, Soldaat, wat in die geheim by Daantjie geleer skiet het, moes hom van die slagveld afdra met daardie vuilbroek. En die Boerekrygers het dit gesien. En hulle het onthou, maar nie gepraat nie.

Daar is geen keer aan Daantjie nie – hy sterf vir sy volk en sy vaderland.

Die mooie Magrieta word een nag verkrag. Later word hulle plaashuis afgebrand.

Tant Gertruida, die oujongnooi suster van Danie Van Wyk, het ‘n klavier by haar geheime liefde as geskenk gekry. Dit word nie gebrand nie.

Brooks se tent in die konsentrasiekamp is neffens ‘n hekkie waardeur die mooie Magrieta kan stap om by hom en die klavier uit te kom. Sy het vir Brooks met haar heel eerste besoek beveel om aan te hou speel want dan kan daar geen geskinder wees nie. Skindertonge voel ‘n snars vir die waarheid. Skinder is mos maar lieg ook, nie waar nie?

Oorlogskanonne en liefdesmusiek en skinder in die Anglo-Boere Oorlog – teelaarde vir baie stories. Sien jy wat ek bedoel het toe ek na Bob Saunders se oupagrootjie en oumagrootjie verwys het?

Toe die oorlogskanonne stil raak en die Boerekrygers gewere neergooi en “joiners” word, toe gebeur die wonder: Daantjie staan op uit die oorlogsdode.

Daantjie, met ‘n nuwe lewe, gaan lustig voort met sy grootpraat en ompraat en nonsenspraat, selfs op kerkraadsvergaderings. Hy kan voortpraat solank Soldaat nie praat nie. En sy vrou Magrieta sit oënskynlik lieftallig maar heimlik minagtend langsaan haar gryswordende “eerbare” man.

Hoe verstaan jy die liefde tussen ‘n Britse soldaat en ‘n Boeremeisie? – so het Bob vir my gevra.

Ek weet nie, Bob.

Ek dink dis verby verstaan. Die liefde loop waar hy wil en hoe hy wil. Oor en verby oorlogsgrense. En die liefde is doof vir die bulder van kanonne en die knetter van plaasopstalle wat brand. Die liefde hoor nie die diere wat bulkend vrek nie.

Lees Fees van die Ongenooides.

Neels COERTSE, Sandton, 23 Oktober 2009.

Dankie velemale,  Neels, vir hierdie skitterende bydra en die geleentheid om dit aan ons lede en die groter publiek eerste bekend te stel.

And there you have it folks, join me in reading this book to get a deeper understanding of the events and times around the 1900’s that brought the likes of my great grandfather to this beautiful country during those dreadful years and which then brought him together with my great grandmother whom I never met and of whom there is very little recollection (historically).


Ons takbiblioteek is onder die toesig van ons eie Graham Southey. Maak asseblief gebruik van hierdie gerief wat gratis beskikbaar aan ons taklede is, voor gedurende en vir n kort rukkie na ons takvergadering . Dit bestaan uit allerei boeke, tydskrifte en joernale van verskeie genealogiese vereenigings asook famielie geskiednis genootskappe, en van die SAG bundels.


The Northern Branch (Pretoria) is arranging and archive tour to the Western Cape between 2 and 7 May 2010 which includes three days of access to archives in Cape Town. The cost of R4 300 p/p sharing includes return flights, transport, accommodation on a B&B basis, day visits to Franschoek and Stellenbosch and all entrance fees. More information available at:

They are also planning an excursion to France and possibly also the Netherlands in 2011. I believe Dr. Rentia Landman can provide more information on this particular event.

We have also been advised that the next edition of the Familia Omnibus Volume Four has been released for printing. The following family names are included in this volume:


The Omnibus will cost you R170 and should be available at our final meeting on 28 November. If not or should stock run out, you can order from the following addresses:

where you will also find the banking details for GSSA.

Daarmee die einde van ons nuusbrief. Ons hoor graag van u oor die inhoud hiervan, kommentaar of verdere bydraes en enige versoeke. Skryf gerus aan enige van die komitteelede of direk na my per e-pos.

Ons sien uit na ons vergadering/uitstalling einde November en wil graag sien wat jy mee besig is asook wys wat ons almal besig hou! Onthou die datum 28 November 2009 en u afspraak te NG Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, Phillipslaan, Discovery, Roodepoort, om 14h00 (2nm).

Saturday 24 October 2009


Deur John Stephens, taksekretaris
Addition by Penny Evans

Die afgelope Saterdag, 17 Oktober 2009, was dit die plan van die tak om sekere begraafplase in die suide van Johannesburg te besoek en data op te skryf. Die weer het egter ‘n stokkie daarvoor gesteek. Ek het 34 mm gemeet. Dit het emmersvol geval.

Lucas, Barbara en Penny was egter net ‘n kortkop voor die reën by die Turffonteinse Konsentrasiekampkerkhof in Mondeor. Terwyl hulle nog die name op die monument beskou het, het die reën hul daar oorval. Lucas kon darem foto’s neem van die steentjies wat in die muur ingebou is.

Hierdie name is nooit op die monument aangebring nie en verskyn dus ook nie op die Genootskap se begraafplaas-CD nie. Daar is onder andere ses Bekker-kinders wat almal in die konsentrasiekamp gesterf het. Vier het in een maand gesterf, naamlik, Mei, een in Julie en nog een in Desember.

Hierdie begraafplaas ag ek as die grootste tragedie wat Johannesburg beleef het. Meer as 700 kinders en vrouens is daar begrawe. Die jongste baba wat daar begrawe is, was net een dag oud.

As gevolg van die reën het tien van ons toe by ons huis byeengekom waar ons oor die verskillende begraafplase gesels het.

Op Eikenhof is ook die familiekerkhof waar Danie Theron, die grootste boerespioen, begrawe is. Hier is egter ‘n sootgelyke probleem. Die begraafplaas word op die CD aangedui, maar sedert dit opgeneem is, het baie nuwe begrafnisse daar plaasgevind. Dieselfde geld ook vir die familiebegraafplaas op Misgund.

Op Elandsfontein is ‘n familiebegraafplaas wat nog pgeneem moet word, asook op Muldersrus en Hartzenbergfontein. Volgende jaar sal ons weer so ‘n poging aanwend.

Op Hartzenbergfontein staan ‘n klein monumentjie ter ere van Willem Jacob Kamffer.

That's dedication

Penny Evans writes: The photos I took were not great as one photo was taken while I stood in the rain (I did not waste time getting back to the car as there was lightening striking in the nearby hills), the other one was of the granite slab and unfortunately the flash reflected off the shiny granite. Lucas tried with his camera as well and had the same problem. Bob kindly offered to see if he could get rid of the shiny flash reflection. This was fairly successful. I am sending the photos to you for your interest.


Click on a photo to enlarge.

Despite being rained out, John gave the talk in his lounge. We had refreshments (first time I have had green tomato jam made by Iris, John's wife) and were able to socialize at leisure. John put in a lot of effort by preparing notes about the concentration camp.  This included the surnames of the women and children buried there. Iris made sure we did not go hungry.

Thursday 22 October 2009


Professor Christo Viljoen,voorsitter van die Hugenote-Vereniging van Suid-Afrika, skryf op SAGenealogie:

Die Theron-geslagregister, opgestel deur (wyle) dr Chris Theron (van Upington) word Saterdag, 24 Oktober 2009, bekend gestel by die Algemene Jaarvergadering (AJV) van die Hugenote-Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. Dit begin 10:30 in die NG Kerksaal, Franschhoek.

Die boeke is persklaar gemaak deur mev Jeanette Theron (eggenote van dr Chris Theron), dr Hannes Theron, 'n afgetrede geoloog van Stellenboschen Andries Nieuwoudt, skoonseun van Jeanette Theron.

Die stel bestaan uit twee boeke en 'n kompakskyf.

  • Volume 1 (371 bladsye) bevat die verhaal van die Therons in Suid-Afrika, is ryklik geïllustreer met foto's (sommige in kleur) en bevat 'n volledige naamindeks van Therons en aangetroudes. 
  • Volume 2 (505 bladsye) bevat die genealogie van die Therons in Suid-Afrika. 
  • 'n Kompakskyf wat die naamindeks van Therons en aangetroudes, die foto' 'n grafiese voorstelling van die eerste 5 geslagte van die Therons bevat, gaan saam met die twee boeke
    Die twee boeke en kompakskyf word as 'n stel teen R350 verkoop. Saterdag word die stel teen 'n spesiale bekendstellingsaanbod eenmalig op Franschhoek met 'n afslag van 20% aangebied, daarna teen 'n afslag van 20% aan lewenslede, en 'n afslag van 10% aan gewone lede van die Hugenote-Vereniging van Suid-Afrika.

    Navrae insake die AJV van die Hugenote-Vereniging kan gerig word aan me Amelia Schwenke, by tel (021) 876-2598 (smiddae).

    Wednesday 14 October 2009



    Bob Saunders spends some time every month writing a newsletter. E-mail you comments to Bob by clicking here. Even if it is one sentence. He (and the branch committee) will appreciate it.


    During September’s meeting, the committee decided to go ahead and hire a post box for the branch, as it was felt that the imposition on former committee members sharing their private mail boxes should have been a temporary arrangement and not a permanent one.

    Our thanks to Richard Ford for having carried this burden for as long as he did. We also spent some of our funds purchasing our own projector, which you will see in use in the near future.

    A decision was made to once again have a mini expo for our final meeting in November. All members please take note of this advance notice and bring some contribution of your own work to swell the exposition. It need not be a “great” work, but certainly any example of what you are currently working on (or have completed) will be most welcome. Please do not be shy especially to show work that is as yet incomplete.

    The committee also took time to thank Penny Evans for her regular contributions to the blog – watch out for her reports of the past meetings if you were unable to attend one. Thanks were also extended to Bob Saunders for the newsletter. Last but by no means least, appreciation was again expressed for the sterling job our blogmaster Japie Bosch continues to perform on our behalf.


    Ons was verlede maand deur Simon du Plooy, voorsitter van die Noordwestak, besoek waartydens hy ons vertel het van Robert Jacob GORDON, wie hy as Suid Afrika se eie Davy Crockett beskryf het . Lees gerus die artikel op die blog wat Simon aan ons vir die doeleinde gestuur het. Ons dank aan Simon vir sy tyd en dat hy so ver gery het om ons oor hierdie interesante man te inlig.


    As previously announced, we will NOT be having our normal monthly meeting at the normal venue, but will be assisting the Cemetery Project, by undertaking our own survey of a number of burial sites in the Eikenhof area just south of Johannesburg.

    For those of you interested in this “outing”, we will meet each other at the corner of Columbine avenue and Maluti streets in Mondeor. From there we proceed to the Turfontein Concentration Camp cemetery. If you feel so inclined, do bring a flower/flowers to be left at the memorial. Do not forget to bring a camping chair/stool, water or other thirst quenchers, a hat, sunblock and also a pen.

    John Stephens, who is co-ordinating this outing says that the intention is to listen to a short address about the Greatest Tragedy that occurred South of Johannesburg during the Second Boer War. From there we will proceed to Eikenhof where we will also hear about The Greatest Spy Hero (Danie Theron), and then at Hartzenberfontein hear about the Greatest Sacrifice of the Second Boer War. We will then proceed to record the graves.

    At the conclusion of the day’s events, we are all invited to the home of John and Iris Stephens (who live in the vicinity) for some tea and refreshments and the usual socializing. This is going to be a bumper day, folks, so do try to attend. It is not often at these recording events we are treated to some history at the same time.


    Soos voorheen aangekondig, het e-SAGI die 500 000-naam-mylpaal behaal. Danksy Lucas Rinken en ‘n baie klein span van helpers, word hierdie projek verfyn. Daar verskyn egter nog baie duplikate onder die databasis. ‘n Versoek word gerig om te help met die takprojek. Lucas is tans besig om 35 000 naame te sorter. Vrywilligers word benodig om ‘n familievan aan te neem (dalk jou eie) en deur die name te soek vir moontlike duplikate. Verwittig Lucas, asseblief. Dit sal die proses grootliks aanhelp indien hy hulp kry van ons taklede. Maar dit is nie al manier wat jy ‘n bydrae kan maak tot e-SAGI nie. Die byvoeging van jou familie is noodsaaklik asook die normale onderhoud daarvan elke keer as daar ‘n sterfte of geboorte is. Stel Lucas asseblief in kennis.


    September birthdays were as follows:

    20th Myra Bosch, 21st Derek Rubidge, 23rd Johan Lourens and the 30th Celia Baylis.

    Our very best wishes to you all.


    Ons persoonlike ervaring die maand is een van ons “ouer” lede en ‘ n kenner van 1820 Settlaar geskiedenis – Graham Southey. Hy skryf soos volg:


    By Graham Southey

    My research began seriously in 1954/55 when computers were in their infancy and PC’s non-existent.

    My method was to correspond with members of the family who referred me to possible sources within the family if they had no answers themselves. Having had to earn a living as a priority cut down time radically, and such sources who relied on memory were also sometimes inaccurate.

    My first good fortune, came in the form of a distant relative living in England and whom I met during a visit he paid to South Africa in 1969 shortly after his 80th birthday. Edward Humphrey’s mother was Elizabeth Southey (1846-1933), the granddaughter of one Samuel Southey (1784-?), brother of the 1820 settler, George Southey (1777-1831). Edward and I kept up a lively correspondence in our common interest – the Southey family.
    In the 1970’s he and an elder brother (a priest) went to Culmstock in Devon, where George and his wife lived before leaving for South Africa and researched the church records. He produced the names, dates of birth and baptism of the entire family.

    From this I discovered that the eldest son of George and Joan Southey died at Culmstock in 1818 before their emigration, and thus did not feature in the South African records. Their youngest son, Cannon, born Feb 1818, died on the voyage out to SA., so George and Joan arrived in South Africa with four sons and two daughters. At least I know that the dates I have of the original settler family are accurate!


    Now for the usual punt for the library.

    Your committee has decided that we wish to build on the foundation of books already held in our library. We suggest you take a look at what we have and make use of this facility.

    We would further ask that if you see any books that you believe we should have on our shelves, kindly advise any committee member via e-mail or personally advise your librarian Graham Southey of your wish list and we will see what it is we can source.

    There is a movement afoot to purchase some of the more recent publications which are available digitally and far cheaper than the hard copy. Once we have our computer up and running (hopefully by our November meeting), even our technically challenged will be able to access these on the premises with the help of anyone willing to assist.


    Een van ons lede wat onlangs sy ondervinding met n wonderlike ou dame (weeke voor sy beswyk het) gedeel het skryf soos volg:


    Deur Neels COERTSE

    Sowat 18 maande gelede het ek ernstig begin lees oor genealogie en familiegeskiedskrywing.

    Toe ek nou so op die internet rondkrap en lees en met mense praat en ander literatuur deurgaan, kry ek elke dan en wan die stuk wysheid wat internasionaal, nasionaal en plaaslik verkondig word: Kyk eers en vind uit of daar nie al iemand anders is wat reeds jou navorsing gedoen het nie, anders vind jy later uit jy het weer eens die wiel ontwerp.

    Ek weet uit my verlede dat my pa se mense uit Hopetown kontrei kom.

    Met my soeke na die Hopetown-COERTSE’s kom ek toe af op ‘n boekie wat ene Prof P.J. COERTZE geskryf het: Geslagsregister COERTSE COERTSEN COERTZE en COERTZEN; HAUM, 1984.

    Met voorgaande wysheid in gedagte moes ek mos aanvaar het dat dit op datum is tot en met publikasiedatum. Moenie die wiel weer ontwerp nie – so draai dit deur my kop.

    Toe ’n verlangse familielid ‘n afskrif van die boek aan my gegee het, het hy ewe trots en selfvoldaan teruggesit en vertel hy en sy familie verskyn op bladsy 36. Voordat ek hom ontmoet het, het ek inligting gehad dat hy die oudste van vier seuns is. Toe maak ek daar oop en vra hom waar sy jonger twee broers genoteer is? Hy skrik groot en gryp sy boek en kyk en kyk en kyk ... Wraggies. Sy twee jonger broers is nie genoteer nie. En sy vrou se name is foutief.

    Ek ry daar weg en gaan koop ‘n ontbyt by ‘n restaurant. En soek my familie in die boekie. En ek soek en soek en soek. Het my voorgeslag geleef of nie?

    Moenie verder “stress” nie; ek het my voorgeslag gekry.

    Die takkie van die stamboom in daardie boek waaruit ek kom, noteer net 27 nasate tot en met 1984. Ek het op die stadium meer 70 ander mense gevind.

    My ervaring is dat daardie stuk “wysheid” heeltemal te hoog aangeslaan word. Dit inhibeer die navorser met sy navorsings-ideale.

    Dit plaas ons in die kern van akademiese vraagstukke en die problematiek waarmee die histograwe hulle elke dag besig hou: wat is die filosofie rondom die histografie? Wat dryf jou? Wat is jou bronne?

    Moenie hierdie geskrif van my lees as sou ek Prof Coertze wil aantas nie. Geensins.

    Ek dink hy het ook met hierdie vraagstukke geworstel. Die rede waarom ek dit sê is dat sy seun, my verwys het na ‘n baie spesifieke persoon en vertel dat sy pa probleme ervaar het met die noteringsproses: hoeveel moet genoteer word? Wat word genoteer? Hoe word dit genoteer? En dis presies dieselfde probleme waarmee ek worstel.
    Een van my tannies het nou die dag vir my gesê: “Neels, dis te pynlik. Moet ek die gegewens vir jou gee?”

    My benadering is dat jy maar jou eie navorsing moet doen.

    • Baie dankie Neels dat jy die moeite gedoen het om aan ons te skryf en jou mening te gee. Ek persoonlik hoop dat daar ’n debat sal plaasvind onder ons lede as gevolg hiervan, nie noodwendig om ‘n finale besluit oor die kwessie te neem nie, maar wel om menings te hoor.

    • Ons hoor graag van u oor die inhoud hiervan, kommentaar of verdere bydraes en enige versoeke. Skryf gerus aan enige van die komitteelede of direk na my per e-pos.

    Bob Saunders bestee elke maand heelwat tyd aan die skryf van 'n nuusbrief. E-pos jou kommentaar aan Bob deur hier te klik. Selfs al is dit een sin. Hy (en die takkomitee sal dit waardeer.)

    • We look forward to meeting with a difference this month, so do try to make a special effort to attend and assist with the cemetery recording and here some history. See you there on Saturday, 17 October 2009 at the corner of Columbine avenue and Maluti streets in Mondeor at 14h00. And don’t forget your chair, water bottle, sunblock and pen.

    Friday 9 October 2009

    20 Tips for More Efficient Google Searches

    For millions of people (including genealogists) Google is an indispensable search tool that they use every day, in all facets of their lives. From work or school and research Google is the go-to search engine.

    But instead of just typing in a phrase and wading through page after page of results, there are a number of ways to make your searches more efficient.

    Some of these are obvious ones, that you probably know about. But others are lesser-known, and others are known but not often used. Use this guide to learn more about, or be reminded of, some of the best ways to get exactly what you're looking for, and quickly.

    CLICK HERE to view the guide.

    Source: Dumb Little Man.

    Saturday 26 September 2009


    Op 19 September 2009 het Simon du Plooy, voorsitter van die Noordwes-tak van die GGSA, die Wes-Gautengtak toegespreek oor Robert Jacob GORDON – die Davey Crockett van Suid-Afrika -- die amptelike ontdekker van die Gariep-/Grootrivier/Oranje. 

    Hieronder is Gordon se eerste indrukke van die Oranjerivier nadat sy geselskap die rivier op 23 Desember 1777 bereik het, ongeveer 10 km suidwes van die huidige Bethulie waar die rivierloop ‘n skerp draai gemaak het. Die plek is vandag merendeels onder die waters van die Gariepdam en nie meer herkenbaar nie. Die oorspronklike beskrywing was uiteraard in Oud-Nederlands.

    Above:  Colonel RJ Gordon intravelling costume. From drawing by himself or his draftsman Schumacher.

    The countryside, falling steeply away, promised nothing.

    Then in the flat stretch which was about five hours further on we saw some green shrubs half an hour away, past the edge of the mountain. These we found to be thorn trees and all of a sudden we came upon the steep bank of a great river. It flowed from the east, a good hour to the west,through a gateway in the mountains.

    At its narrowest here it is about 225 paces wide as we saw it from the flight of a bullet. In addition it flowed as strongly as the meuse at Maastricht.

    The southern bank was about 40 feet high and steep, though it was possible to get to the water, there was reed growing in the direction of the gateway in places and there were high thorn trees.

    Picture 1.

    Picture 2.

    Picture 3.


    Picture 1:  Painting made on 25 December 1777 of where the Orange and the Caldeon rivers flow together. Gordon named the river on the left the Queen Wilhelmina river (later the Caldedon) and the river on the right the King Willem river (later the Orange river). Where the two rivers meet he named them after the Dutch Royal House, Oranje. Source:   Patrick Cullinan: Robert Jacob Gordon, 1743 --1795: The man and his travels at the Cape. p. 43.  Original in the Ryksmuseum In the Netherlands.

    Picture 2:  Gordonskoppie, named after Robert Gordon.  It is approximately 10 km from Aberdeen en route to Graaff-Reinet.

    Picture 3: Gordon's Kop.

    The northern bank was lower, with reed and many willow and some thorn-trees. This bank had stoney ridges and coarse shining sand but the soil in the river itself was clayey and vegetal.

    There were reefs here and there stretching from one bank to the other over which the stream rustled loudly.

    At its narrowest here it is about 225 paces wide as we saw it from the flight of a bullet. In addition it flowed as strongly as the meuse at maastricht.

    The southern bank was about 40 feet high and steep, though it was possible to get to the water, there was reed growing in the direction of the gateway in places and there were high thorn trees.

    The northern bank was lower, with reed and many willow and some thorn-trees. This bank had stoney ridges and coarse shining sand but the soil in the river itself was clayey and vegetal.

    There were reefs here and there stretching from one bank to the other over which the stream rustled loudly.

    Source:  Cullinan - Patrick: Robert Jacob Gordon (1743-1795) The man and his travels at the Cape. p. 44 and 45.

    Thursday 17 September 2009

    The Best Way To Effectively Clean LCD Monitor Screens

    For the genealogist his/her computer is a most important tool.  Caring for your screen is vital.

    Cleaning laptop and LCD monitor screens is different from cleaning the usual CRT screens and requires some additional care and safeguards. A large part of this is because the traditional CRT screen is made up of glass, so it is a lot less prone to scratches from dust particles then your LCD screen. gives sound advice.

    Wednesday 16 September 2009


    Datum: Saterdag, 19 SEPTEMBER 2009;

    Tyd: 14:00 tot 16:00;

    Plek: Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NG Kerk), Ontdekkerskruin, Phillipslaan, Ontdekkers, Roodepoort (Kaart onder);

    Onderwerp: Robert Jacob GORDON – die Davey Crockett van Suid-Afrika -- die amptelike ontdekker van die Gariep-/Grootrivier/Oranje.

    Aanbieder: Simon du Plooy, voorsitter Noordwes-tak van die GGSA

    Kort CV: Gebore in Bethulie, Suid-Vrystaat, en grootgeword op die familieplaas Truitjesfontein in die distrik. (Die plaas is later onder die destydse Verwoerdamskema onteiën en vorm vandag deel van die Tussen die Riviere Wildtuin in die Bethulie-distrik).

    Matrikuleer in Bethulie. Daarna eers gedeelte van weermagopleiding in Ladismith en Saldanha en ook Pretoria. Voltooi Bourekenkunde aan die UOVS (1971-1975). Vanaf 1977 woonagtig in Potchefstroom. Werk eers as bourekenaar by ‘n boukontrakteur, maar stig in 1988 sy eie boumaatskappy wat tussen die familienavorsing deur die res van vrye tyd opneem.

    Sy belangstelling in die Genealogie is vroeg aangewakker deurdat die familieplaas gedurig deur ooms, tantes, neefs, niggies en andere besoek is en sy pa die du Plooy’s vroeg begin aanteken het. Dit het uitgeloop op ‘n familiepublikasie oor die du Du Plooy van die gebied wat vandag die kern is van Andre du Plooy en sy eie navorsing.

    Voltooi ‘n register oor sy Duitse oupagrootjie, WIEGAND, se nageslag in 1987 en begin in 2000 die Du Plooy’s ernstig aanvul, maar soek eers sy eggenoot Chrisda BARNARD se Barnard/Stander/De Swart/ De Necker voorgeslagte in die George-omgewing.

    Getroud met Chrisda Barnard en het twee kinders, Simon en Daniella. Albei werk in in Johannesburg.

    Dit in kort is dan Simon du Plooy, s/v Simon en Maria Cornelia Wiegand, s/v Koos en Lenie Coetzee, s/v Koos en Alida van Heerden, s/v Simon en Catharina Coetzee, s/v Roelof en Susanna van den Berg, s/v Michiel en Aletta van Wyk, s/v Simon Plooier en Catharina Koopman -- immigrant uit Nederland.

    Toegansfooi: R5,00 vir verversings.


    (BRON: Mail and Guardian Online)

    Friday 11 September 2009




    Die takkomitee besin nog oor volgende jaar se program sodat lede daarby sal baat vind.

    Ons versoek opnuut terugvoering en vrae wat die naaste aan u hart lê asook versoeke vir spesifieke onderwerpe. Help ons om aan u verwagtinge te voldoen.

    Stuur nou 'n epos aan my in dié verband deur HIER TE KLIK.

    The committee has a request to all members: forward snippets of news and reports of those very special and personal moments of revelation during your research. Most of us will experience a special moment and sharing these can often encourage those seemingly hitting the proverbial “brick wall” to persevere.


    Die komitee het nie in Augustus vergader nie, omdat die tak gasheer was vir ‘n vergadering van die Nasionale Uitvoerende Komitee. Dankie aan Margaret Humphries (links) en haar span (Penny, Mienie en Heidi) wat die verversings verskaf het.

    Die volgende vergadering sal voor ons takvergadering op 19 September plaasvind om 12:00. Komiteelede, neem asseblief kennis hiervan.


    We had a bumper turnout for the August meeting which was addressed by the President of our Society, Hendrik Louw. Sadly though, the numbers were bolstered by visitors rather than branch members. However, an interesting debate took place.

    Hendrik is a highly enthusiastic leader and passionate about genealogy and the importance of preserving all records for future generations. Like your committee, Hendrik is also keen to find the elusive formula that will galvanise our members and make us all equally enthusiastic about ongoing research and preservation of family history.

    His talk was directed at us in much the same way we (the committee) have invited you (the members) to come forward with ideas and wishlists so that we might be guided regionally and nationally.


    Ons volgende takvergadering is op Saterdag, 19 September 2009, by die NG Kerk-gebou, Ontdekkerskruin, Phillipslaan, Discovery, Roodepoort. Dit begin 14h00. Ons gasspreker dié maand is Simon du Plooy, voorsitter van die Noordwes-tak. Hy gaan ons vertel van Robert Jacob Gordon (links).

    Simon beskryf dié man as Suid Afrika se “Davy Crockett”.


    During the NEC meeting last month, the Northwest Branch announced a new branch project in conjunction with LAPA Publishers. It has great potential in our circles and the wider public who are hovering on the brink of possibly recording their own life and times.

    The book will be called “Wie is ons regtig?”. What is required/requested are short personal stories for publication into an omnibus format. The request from NorthWest (paraphrased), reads as follows:

    "Ons sal dit waardeer indien u alle lede aanmoedig om hul bydraes vir die beoogde bundel aan ons te stuur. Die bydraes moet fokus op interessante/snaakse/dramatiese gebeure of karakters, heldedade en dies meer wat die oningewyde sal interesseer of vermaak".

    Links:  Oom Kallie.

    The story does not have to be professionally written as those selected will be worked/edited in conjunction with the publishers journalists to an acceptable annecdote/story.

    Please consider supporting this venture as it really is intended to record stories countrywide and not only regionally.

    Check the blog for further postings on this topic and a forwarding address.

    Alternatively, pass these on to me (hand-written at a meeting) or digitally, and I will forward them as is to the correct source who will then take it further with the publishers. Please include a contact address (snaill mail or e-mail) to facilitate the host branch and or publishers to establish contact and dialogue with you on the matter.


    Ons het ‘n groeiende takbiblioteek onder die toesig van Graham Southey (links). Maak asseblief gebruik van hierdie gratis gerief wat vir ons taklede. Dit bestaan uit allerei boeke, tydskrifte en joernale van verskeie genealogiese verenigings asook familiegeskiednis, genootskappe, en die SAG-bundels.


    Genealogically newsworthy to interest groups, and researchers in general: Barend Venter (a researcher of the Venter family in South Africa), has just released to us the inaugural Family Newsletter of the Venter. Barend will gladly add you to the mailing list if you would take the time to drop him a line at:


    Even the big boys have the odd story to tell! I managed to coerce a pale and wan Lucas Rinken (left) to give me a story to illustrate that even after all these years, he still gets pleasure amidst the dreary everyday tasks, from what he does for the branch, the society and genealogy on a broader scale, and it goes something like this:

    e-SAGI can be a JOY to work on

    Much of the focus in compiling e-SAGI is to receive files/gedcoms from other researchers, to prepare same for inclusion in our database and then to perform the tedious task of weeding out possible duplicates. And then there is always the endeavour to increase numbers contained, hence the all out effort to reach 500,000 names. BUT, at times this is enough to drive me crazy!

    Happily, I am member of SAGen and along comes an email from a VERY respected genealogist, Mansell UPHAM: "Beste Lyslede. Enige inligting oor die komponis Stephanus le Roux Marais se Marais voorsate sal waardeur word.-- Mansell Upham"


    1. Another focus area of e-SAGI is to include as many well known South Africans in the database as possible. And who in Afrikaans circles does not know of this composer and his well known songs.

    2. I know I have a many by the surname MARAIS in the database, 1 842 to be exact.

    3. Coming from Mansell, this is a challenge I cannot ignore.

    So I checked the database and found someone by that name, but with no ancestors. BUT is he the right one?

    So I do a Google search and find:

    Stephanus Le Roux Marais (born 1896, Bloemfontein district, Orange Free State, South Africa, died 25 May 1979, Graaff-Reinet) was a South African composer.

    He studied at the South African College of Music in Cape Town and at the Royal College of Music in London. In the subsequent 32 years he held various positions as church organist and teacher. He was a pioneer of the Afrikaans art song. In 1928 his "Vier Afrikaanse Sangstukke" (Four Afrikaans Song Pieces) was published. In the five years following, he was awarded 23 diplomas at the Cape Town Eisteddfod.

    The dates matched, so I dug into SAG 5 and there he is:

    h2 Stephanus le Roux * 1.2.1896 x 18.12.1945 Edith Johanna REX

    I quickly captured the MARAIS line and soon connected into the MARAIS’ already in e-SAGI. But his mother's line was more difficult until I connected to his maternal grandmother's Van der MERWE line as I have Janet Melville's (left) wonderful book available.

    And now, all this is available in e-SAGI and I could send off a reply to Mansell.

    Better than working through 1 000 possible duplicates.

    And that is how a plan comes together – by some astute research in the available literature and the electronic media, and using our fantastic database, to piece together the missing pieces.

    Wednesday 9 September 2009


    'n Omvattende DU TOIT-stamregister, saamgestel deur Alex Fuchs, is aan die GGSA vir bemarking en verspreiding gegee. Dit sal in boekvorm en op CD beskikbaar wees.

    Dié inligting is deur Hendrik Louw, president van die GGSA, bekendgemaak.

    Statistiek van die register se inhoud is soos volg:
    • 29 508 gekoppelde DU TOIT's;
    • 18 954 aangetroudene DU TOIT’s
    • 5 315 ongekoppelde DU TOIT's
    • 53 477 totale aantal individue opgeneem in die indeks.
    Dit sluit uit die ouers van aangetroudenes, asook die vroulike nasate wat ook soms in die register bygevoeg is.

    Volgens Hendrik is dit is 'n massiewe stuk werk.

    “Die genealogiese inligting daarin is van uitstekende gehalte. Dit is goed nagevors in samewerking met verskeie ander DU TOIT-navorsers/helpers asook Juna Malherbe van die Hugenote-museum. Danksy Juna Malherbe is die volgorde van die kinders reggestel.”


    Die register bestaan uit ongeveer 2 458 bladsye of 1 566 bladsye met genealogiese inligting sonder foto's. Volledige indekse is bygewerk. Die register sal in twee boeke gebind word. Die prys van die boeke sal eersdaags bekend wees nadat kwotasies verkry is vir die druk en bind daarvan.

    Diegene wat in die boek belangstel, kan die GGSA laat weet (om sodoende ‘n finale prys te beding) deur 'n e-pos te stuur aan of ‘n faks aan 086/600-1729.

    Verdere reëlings vir bestellings sal dan afsonderlik aan u gestuur word.

    Dit sal teen kosprys aan voorafbetalende persone verkoop word.

    Bestellings vir die eerste oplaag sluit op 26 September 2009.  Dit behoort vier weke later in die pos te wees.

    Die mark vir die boek sal hoofsaaklik familie wees wat 'n aandenking vir homself/haarself wil bekom of vir hul nageslag wil behou.

    DIE CD

    ‘n CD is 'n baie goedkoper medium om dieselfde inligting binne die bereik van navorsers te plaas.

    Dit sal teen R240-00 verkoop word plus posgeld vir verspreiding in Suid-Afrika – voorwaar ‘n winskoop vir die ernstige genealoog.

    Saturday 5 September 2009


    On 22 August 2009 Hendrik Louw, president of the GSSA (right), addressed members of the West Rand Branch of the GSSA. Some NEC members from Potchefstroom, Pretoria and Vanderbijlpark also attended, reports Penny Evans, branch committee member.

    Hendrik stressed that genealogy was not only about what had happened in the past, but that today would also become history. Our children probably know very little about the first thirty years of our lives. It was up to each one of us to write his own story for the benefit of his children and their descendents. Who else could write the story better than yourself?

    He said that he planned to talk to members from all eleven branches so that he could get a clear idea of what members expected from the GSSA. He felt that each branch should look after its new members as well as the present members, who have a great deal of knowledge that would be lost to the branch, should they leave.

    A discussion was held. Members were encouraged to answer the following questions. Why am I a member of GSSA and what do I expect from GSSA?

    The plan of GSSA was to create products and to develop resources and to make this more accessible for those doing research.

    Members were encouraged to give their ideas to Lucas Rinken and Dennis Pretorious, who would give the feedback to GSSA so that management could see what could be done to make the ideas a reality.

    Hendrik Louw is a man with strong leadership qualities and a passion for genealogy.

    Saturday 22 August 2009


    Penny Evans, Branch Committee Member

    The West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa held an Introductory Genealogical Training Course on 15 August 2009 at the Dutch Reformed Church Ontdekkerskruin, Philips Avenue, Discovery.

    The course was well attended by participants from the Greater Johannesburg area. Two enthusiastic participants came from Carletonville.

    The course was well organised. Our usual venue was transformed into a lecture room. Each participant received a manual and a certificate.

    Lucas Rinken, Richard Ford and Dennis Pretorius were the presenters.

    The following aspects were covered in the course of the afternoon:
    • Background information;
    • The working documents;
    • Unpublished sources;
    • Internet sources;
    • Formal sources;
    • Interesting facts and finally
    • Presentation of one's research.
    The sessions were informative and often humorous. The presenters used many examples from their own experiences to which participants could relate.

    Many thanks to Margaret Humphries and Louise Dick for standing by with refreshments. The tea break gave all a chance to meet and socialize.

    The course was well received, good value for money, and good attendance was an indication of the need for genealogical training courses. Participants had different levels of expertise.  I believe that each person went away having learnt something new.

    Hopefully all of us will now remember to record our sources.

    Several people were unaware of the existence of genealogical groups that meet monthly. One hopes that this introduction to genealogy will inspire them to join a local genealogy group.

    Saturday 15 August 2009


    As previously advertised, please note that our August meeting will not take place on the customary third Saturday of the month due to our branch hosting the National Executive Committee meeting. We have thus opted to hold both events on the same day, and so the branch meeting has been moved out to 22 August 2009.

    At the conclusion of the NEC meeting, the branch meeting will be addressed by the recently elected President of the GSSA, Hendrik Louw (left), who is no stranger to us.

    Note that Lucas Rinken, branch chairman, has extended an invitation to NEC members present to join us for the branch meeting should they have the time and inclination. So we look forward to a larger than normal gathering.

    Hendrik’s topics will be:

    1. GSSA the Society

    • What is the GSSA;
    • Member needs;
    • How does the GSSA fit into the global genealogy picture;
    • Thoughts on strengths and threats for GSSA;
    • Products and
    • Support with regard to the advancement of GSSA (External websites etc.)
    2. Genealogical overview
    • SAG (GISA) versus e-SAGI (GSSA Gauteng-West)
    • Public domain
    • Researchers thoughts on "review and summary".
    Time: 14:00 to 16:00;

    Place: Dutch Reformed Church (NG Kerk), Ontdekkerskruin, Phillips Avenue, Discovery, Roodepoort (Map below);

    Entrance Fee: R5,00 for refreshments.

    (SOURCE: Mail and Guardian Online)

    Tuesday 11 August 2009

    (Klik op een van bostaande.)

    Neem kennis van voorgaande. Dis ‘n hulpmiddel soos min vir Suid-Afrikaanse genealoë.

    Dennis Pretorius (regs), die skepper hiervan skryf op die tuisblad:

    “SAGenealogie is 'n wêreldwye genealogiese gespreksgroep op die Internet met Afrikaans as voertaal. Dit bestaan tans uit amper 800 vriendelike en hulpvaardige genealoë van rondom die aardbol wat wissel van beginners tot gesoute en selfs professionele navorsers in sy geledere”.

    Dié webtuiste bevat ‘n magdom inligting. Kyk net:

    • ‘n Foto-databank met honderde interessante en insiggewende foto’s – van ABO-foto’s en kerke in ‘n rits dorpe tot begrafnisbriewe en ou vervoermiddels.
    • Dit is ook die vertrekpunt vir nuwe lede van SA Genealogie-gespreksgroep waar lede (let wel daar is amper 800) mekaar onder meer help om hul voorsate op te spoor.
    • Dit bevat ‘n reeks beproefde genealogiese skakels.
    • Verskeie lede se webwerwe is te sien.
    Diegene wat nog nie met dié webwerf kennis gemaak het nie, het ‘n hele paar ure se ontginningswerk wat wag.

    Onder: Een van die ongewone foto's op SAGenealogie se foto-databasis. Zeederberg se Sebra-span op Pitersburg gereed om die pad na Leysdorp (1881). Foto: H Exton-versameling.

    Piet Roets het vir Doel Zeederberg die idee gegee om Zebras mak te maak en te gebruik weens skaarste van perde en muile. In 1881 het Jacob Erasmus zebras gevang en hulle op sy plaas in Leydsdorp geteel. Roets, wat naby Haenertsburg geboer het, en Izak van der Merwe van Pietersburgdistrik het sy voorbeeld gevolg. Hulle het daarin geslaag om kwaggas mak te maak, te teel en selfs 'n ploeg te laat trek. Roets het van sy mak kwaggas aan Doel Zeederberg aangebied en tot sy verbasing het Doel sy aanbod aanvaar en 20 diere van Roets gekoop vir £200. Hulle spoed oor kort afstande was vinniger as die van 'n perd of muil, maar hulle het stamina kortgekom en 'n goeie perd kon hulle binne tien minute flou hardloop.

    Bron: Neem uit die Verlede (Nasionale Parkeraad van Suid-Afrik). Dr U de V Pienaar, "Transportpaaie", p. 273

    Thursday 6 August 2009



    Last month saw a different format newsletter,. This month we have expanded on, and hopefully even improved on the last one. To those of you who gave feedback (fortunately none negative) a big thank you for that.

    What is, however, a bit disappointing, is the lack of response to the call for dialogue from branch members as to your needs or any wish-lists. As your committee we plot and plan as best we can, but, bottom line is that if you do not participate either by attending meetings or corresponding with us on issues/topics needing attention, we are oftentimes floundering in the dark. So on behalf of your committee I reiterate the invitation and encourage you to keep the debate lively – even by merely playing devils advocate.


    July saw your committee focusing at length on the points raised at the workshop held at the March branch meeting. The items raised were analyzed and summarized by Bob. It resulted in a total of 20 points for discussion. These were tackled in the order in which they were raised at the March meeting. There was not enough time to discuss even half of the points raised. Thus, we will resume the marathon at the next committee meeting and report fully after we have dealt with all the issues raised. There will be a whole host of proposals (I believe) for each member to consider and comment on prior to any implementation. We will keep you posted.


    Vir diegene wat nie die vergadering bygewoon het nie: ons het vir die eerste keer van Kriek Fourie as spreker gehoor -- op ‘n heel nuwe en unieke. Die onderwerp was sy ondervinding met die opteken van ou Familiebegraafplase in die Langkloof, Oos-Kaap.

    Met die gebruik van beskikbare tegnologie is ons (amper fisies) deur ‘n gedeelte van die Langkloof geneem deur middel van Google Earth en Lucas Rinken se vaardigheid daarmee. Met Kriek as toergids is ons van Joubertina deur Krakeel en Louterwater na die plaas Kransfontein (onder andere) geneem om die begrafplasies te vind. Later is die fotos, wat deel was van sy opname aan ons getoon. Terwyl Lucas die “muis” bestuur het, het Kriek ons met allerhande stories en ervaringe vergas. Dit was 'n belewenis soos min. Dankie aan beide here vir die ongewone, maar interesante vertoning. Foto: Die Langkloof, soos gesien van Joubertina.


    As previously advertised, please note that our August meeting will not take place on the customary third Saturday of the month due to our branch hosting the National Executive Committee meeting. We have thus opted to hold both events on the same day, and so the branch meeting has been moved out to 22 August 2009.

    At the conclusion of the NEC meeting, the branch meeting will be addressed by the recently elected President of the GSSA, Hendrik Louw (left), who is no stranger to us. Note that Lucas has extended an invitation to NEC members present to join us for the branch meeting should they have the time and inclination. So we look forward to a larger than normal gathering.

    Hendrik’s topics will be:

    1. GSSA the Society
    • Who is the GSSA;
    • Member needs;
    • How does the GSSA fit into the global genealogy picture;
    • Thoughts on strengths and threats for GSSA;
    • Products and
    • Support with regard to the advancement of GSSA (External websites etc.)
    2. Genealogical overview
    • SAG (GISA) versus e-SAGI (GSSA Gauteng-West)
    • Public domain
    • Researchers thoughts on "review and summary"

    Soos verlede maand aangekondig, het e-SAGI die 500000 -naam mylpaal behaal. Danksy Lucas en 'n baie klein span van helpers, word hierdie projek verfyn. Daar verskyn egter nog baie duplikate op die databasis en ‘n versoek word gedoen om te help met dié takprojek. Vrywilligers word benodig om ‘n familievan aan te neem (dalk jou eie) en deur die name te soek vir moontlike duplikate en Lucas dan daarvan te verwittig. Dit sal die proses grootliks help indien hy hulp kry van ons taklede. Maar dit is nie al manier wat jy ‘n bydrae kan maak tot e-SAGI nie. Die byvoeging van jou familie is noodsaaklik asook die normale onderhoud daarvan elke keer as ‘n sterfte of geboorte plaasvind. Stel Lucas asseblief in kennis soos en wanneer nodig.


    Neels Coertse het ná ontvangs van verlede maand se nuusbrief, aan ons geskryf en vertel van ene tannie Bessie du Toit:

    Ek was sowat twee weke gelede Hopetown toe met die hoop om om daar of in doe omgewing iets van my Hopetown-COERTSE's te spoor - amper soos daardie diamant wat jare gelede daar ontdek was.

    Ek het besonder baie inligting gekry. En ook op die koop toe met 'n familielid gesels: tannie Bessie DU TOIT (links) wat op 23 Februarie 1907 gebore is en gedoop op 19 Mei 1907. Sy was in Strydenburg in die ouetehuis - 102 jaar oud. Toe ek haar skakel toe antwoord sy self haar telefoon en ek stel my voor.

    Sy vra dadelik: "Hoe spel jy jou COERTSE?"
    Ek: "Tannie, met 'n S."
    Sy: "O, nes my oorlede mammie. Kom jy vir my kuier?"

    Toe ek haar vra of sy weet wanneer sy gedoop is, het sy nee gesê en ek gee die datum vir haar. Sy gryp haar pen en skryf dit op haar kalender neer. Sy het nog elke dag haar dagboek opgeskryf daar waar sy in die son sit. Haar skoondogter het my vertel dat tannie Bessie elke dag die dagboek begin met: "Dankie, Heer, ek het lekker geslaap."

    En ek het die wonderlikste klankopname van haar gesprek gemaak.

    Ek het ook met haar seun en skoondogter op Hopetown gesels. Ek het laas week vir haar twee foto's gestuur wat ek van haar geneem het.

    Ek het net nou net gehoor sy is vandag oorlede.

    Dankie vir hierdie storie, Neels. Dit demonstreer hoe belangrik dit is om met die ouer geslag te praat. Jy het ook die tegnolgie ingespan en ‘n opname van jul gesprek gemaak asook digitale foto's geneem. Ek dink die ervaring het jou ook diep geraak en jy is ryker as gevolg daarvan.

    Penny Evans (left) also sent me a little report of her experience in Barberton whilst looking for some ancestral history.

    I went to Barberton in July last year to search for information about the Gass family. I was advised to go to the museum. The staff at the museum have recorded information that has been on the historical voters rolls, marriage registers, and church records. I had not expected to find any family history there, so I was really thrilled to come across baptism dates, addresses, occupations, firearm licenses and even still births relating to the Gass family. They were unable to find any photos of my great grandfather, but they had a copy of an interview, done by a local historian, with one of the Gass descendents. The staff were very patient and helpful. A day to remember!

    Thank you Penny. It is always a thrill to find something unexpected whilst doing research, and your story should serve as a reminder to us not to overlook the museums in the areas where our forebears lived as a source of information about the history of their times. One never knows what valuable information may be gleaned in this way


    A reminder to our members that we have this modest resource which is growing slowly, but surely. It is at your disposal at every meeting. Please make use of it, and consider donating books, journals or magazines of historical and genealogical significance once you have tired of them so that others may benefit. Remember that Graham Southey is currently the curator of our collection. All matters relating to the library can and should be taken up with him or any of the office bearers.


    Die Noord-Transvaaltak adverteer tans 'n simposium in September 2009 wat belowe om interessant te wees. Hieronder ‘n uitreksel uit hul nuusbrief hieroor:


    Ons maak goeie vordering met die reëlings vir ons simposium. Dit is ons hoogtepunt van die jaar en die simposium wek belangstelling ver buite ons kringe. Kaartjies kos R110 vir GGSA lede en R130 vir nie-lede.

    Ons het reeds 21 kaartjies verkoop, maar ons moet nog sowat 70 verkoop om die koste te dek.

    Ons doen ‘n beroep op ons lede om so gou as moontlik hul kaartjies te koop en vra dat u ook in u familie en vriendekring hierdie simposium sal adverteer.

    Die program is hieronder.


    08:45 -09:30 Registrasie en Verwelkoming


    09:30-10:15 South African National Archives: Dr Graham Dominy, national archivist (45 min)
    10:15-10:45 Korporatiewe argiewe: stand en toeganklikheid vir die navorser: Anri van der Westhuizen, argivaris van Unisa (30 min)
    10:45-11:00 Vrae aan die paneel (15 min)
    11:15-11:45 Tee


    11:45-12:15 Museums as bronne van inligting vir die navorser: Cecilia Kruger, museum deskundige van die Voortrekkermonument (VTM) (30 min)
    12:15-12:35 Waarheen met familie erfstukke? Riëtte Zaaiman van die Erfenisstigting (20 min)
    12:35- 12:50 Vrae aan die paneel (15 min)
    13:00-13:30 Ete


    13:30-14:00 Genealogie, geskiedenis en kultuurgeskiedenis verryk mekaar: Dr Celestine Pretorius (40 insluitend 10 minute vraetyd)
    14:00-14:30 Geskiedenis wat spreek tot die hededaagse jeug: Daan Potgieter, 'n geskiedenisonderwyser (30 min insluitend 10 minute vraetyd)
    14:40-15:00 Algemene bespreking en samevatting

    Stuur 'n epos aan Ellen Harmse by as u belangstel.

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